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Products tagged with Hand-oogcoördinatie

Happy Cube
Article code TH3335BD45
out of stock
Puzzle in 2D AND in 3D! With the happy Cube you can make a cube from the loose puzzle pieces or a normal jigsaw puzzle. Read more
Happy Cube expert 10-99 Years
Puzzle in 2D AND in 3D! With the happy Cube you can make a cube from the loose puzzle pieces or a normal jigsaw puzzle.
smart games
Article code TH606D45
in stock
Now also all the colors of the happy Cube pro in one package!
Puzzle in 2D AND in 3D! The Happy Cube pro is a real challenge because of the colored spots on the puzzle pieces! Read more
Happy Cube Pro- 6 pack
Now also all the colors of the happy Cube pro in one package!
Puzzle in 2D AND in 3D! The Happy Cube pro is a real challenge because of the colored spots on the puzzle pieces!
Happy Cube
Article code TH4338D45
in stock
Puzzle in 2D AND in 3D! With the happy Cube you can make a cube from the loose puzzle pieces or a normal jigsaw puzzle. Read more
Happy Cube Pro 7-99 years
Puzzle in 2D AND in 3D! With the happy Cube you can make a cube from the loose puzzle pieces or a normal jigsaw puzzle.