Products tagged with binnenspelen

Article code TT3110470C45
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You can throw, catch, kick, bounce or throw the ball high in the air. Thanks to the elastic band, the ball can never get far away from you. Ideal if you need some practice catching or something.
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Children love playing with water or sand. Playing with water or sand stimulates the sense of touch and has a relaxing effect. By allowing more children to play together at the table, it encourages children to play together
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Kneading, modelling and being creative. With this modelling clay, you can make the cutest creations and then let them air-dry easily.
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This basketball stand has a perfect size for toddlers and preschoolers, as well as the elderly with who have limited motor skills. Also a fun challenge for children in wheelchairs.
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Article code EP170399
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The indoor balancing path... The five river stones are quickly assembled into a balancing path and can also be combined with other materials, e.g. sensory mats, to create a course.
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